Students and Graduates

Student Login

Enrolled students: Please register and login at to access your courses and take your exams.

Your account may be closed if you do not login within three (3) months. The OpenCourseWare (OCW) system is a learning management system (LMS) used by educational institutions to deliver courses to their students. The LMS is maintained by a voluntary educational technology provider. Kindly note that the system allows you to register, study and take exams, but it is only a delivery platform. The Asia Caribbean Open Institute will validate and assess the education you have learned. If you registered on the system prior to your enrollment at the Institute and no confirmation has been given by our registrar, the Institute will not recognise your previous courses. We require all students to wait for the enrollment confirmation from our admissions team before registering on the OCW system. Please keep all accomplishment certificates issued by the OCW system as they are required by the Institute for graduation.

To provide better learning opportunities to students without computers, all enrolled courses can be accessed using the Moodle App which is a free software for mobile devices. You can download this directly from the Apple AppStore and on Google Play. When using this mobile application for the first time, please note that our learning platform is "".

The required courses from the Open University (UK) are taken at OpenLearn or you may also take the free courses from

The required Digital Marketing Certificate Course is taken at the Google Digital Garage

Graduation Requirements

So you've finished all the courses and passed the exams required for your programme? Congratulations! You are one step closer to receiving your graduation certificate!

For students who enrolled in the Diploma in Business Studies (DBS), and the Advanced Diploma in Business Studies (ADBS), please email copies of the Certificates of Completion, Statements of Participation, or screen shot completions for each mandatory course. You are also required to pass the 2,000 word essay as required by the programme. Upon submission of these requirements, the Institute will grant the graduation certificate corresponding to your programme. A graduation fee of €250 for the DBS and the ADBS is required to evaluate and record your graduation.

Students enrolled in the Associate in Business Studies (ABS) programme should also send the copies of the individual Certificates of Completion, the Statements of Participation, screen shot completions, the Fundamentals of Digital Learning Certificate, and must submit their minimum 3,000 word academic essay. Once received, the Institute will schedule an online interview as the final requirement for graduation. After this interview, the Institute will award the graduation certificate. A graduation assessment fee of €500 is required to complete this administrative process.

For students who completed the Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) programme, graduation will only be allowed after you send the Certificates of Completion for all the required courses, the Statements of Participation, screen shot completions, and the Fundamentals of Digital Learning Certificate before passing the required thesis paper. For complete guidelines on the thesis, please contact the Institute. Depending on the thesis, students may or may not be required a viva voce or oral examination. If needed, a viva voce panel will be scheduled through an online audio or video conference. Once the student successfully passes the thesis requirement, the Institute will grant the graduation certificate after receiving the €750 graduation assessment fee.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) programme requires fulfillment of all the requirements set by the Open Source Society University. Graduation will only be allowed after you send the proof of completion for all the required courses. This may include certificates and projects as defined in the curriculum. If the student also enrolled in the Diploma in Business Studies (DBS) programme, the essay must also be submitted. Once the Institute receives all requirements, an online interview will be the final requirement in order to graduate. An assessment fee of €750 is requisite for graduation.

Those that have completed all the required courses in the Professional Master in Business Administration (MBA) programme shall only be allowed to graduate after sending the Certificates of Completion for all the courses on the course list. They must also submit their minimum 10,000 word academic essay or thesis. For guidelines on this, please contact the Institute. As an alternative to this requirement, a capstone project may be submitted. Once the student submits all the requirements, the Institute will grant the graduation certificate after receiving the €1,000 graduation assessment fee.

Certificates, Diplomas and Transcripts

When schedule permits, a member of the Advisory Board will present certificates through video conference.

As an ecologically responsible institution, all academic certificates are emailed in secure PDF format by the registrar. If required, the Institute accepts requests for printed certificates and diplomas, please contact us for costs and shipping fees.

For employment purposes, graduates are advised to have their certificates and transcripts authenticated and verified by a licensed UK solicitor/notary (lawyer). Please contact us for the corresponding legal and administrative fees. See the example below:

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Asia Caribbean Open Institute - an educational advocacy of the Caribbean ASEAN Council
A private higher education institution in Switzerland and registered foreign school in the United Kingdom with UK Register of Learning Providers number (UKPRN) 10086159

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